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Hello, my name is Sarah. But online I am known as Bunny or Book Bunny.
I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. I didn’t start off reading book after book, it was a gradual thing. And my reading habit started with the Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld back around the time that they were released. I loved those books (and still do) and I have been reading everyday ever since. My list of books to read has grown, as well as my love of books. So stick around, check out some of my posts, to find out what I’m all about.
I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. I didn’t start off reading book after book, it was a gradual thing. And my reading habit started with the Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld back around the time that they were released. I loved those books (and still do) and I have been reading everyday ever since. My list of books to read has grown, as well as my love of books. So stick around, check out some of my posts, to find out what I’m all about.
The Interview
1. In Between Writing and Reading what do you like to do?
I love my family so I love to do family oriented things, (For example Boat Rides, Swimming, Movies exc.) but in between Writing and Reading by myself, I very much enjoy photography. There is just something about taking a picture and being able to keep the memory. (corny, I know.) I love Sign Language, it is a passion of mine and I plan to continue with it and hope to someday be fluent. I love anime, and tv in general, although my book obsession has taken the lead over the past few years.
2. Convince me to join your blog twitter style. 140 Characters or less. GO!
Books of all kinds, all the time. So seriously, You, Me Let's Tweet! #Nerd
3. A Pastry. A Cookie. A Chocolate.
Croissant. Coconut Macaroon. Anything White Chocolate
4. If [Hypothetically] you where abducted by Aliens to do some research and they'd ask for a good book recommendation, what would you recommend :)?
Hmmm...kind of a hard question. So many good books, naturally I would say the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld, but I would also probably say the Hunger Games series because I have been recommending it a lot lately. (not that there are many people left who have not read the Hunger Games) Both good series, if anyone hasn't read either of them yet, and is a fan of dystopian, I recommend them. If not...I recommend them anyway. =]
5. Upcoming release you are most exited about?
I am most definitely excited about the Uglies Graphic Novel! As I said in the previous question, when I mentioned the Uglies series. I am super excited for this due to the fact that is in a different characters perspective. (and I just found out that my best friend pre-ordered it for me for Christmas so I am even more excited) Another book would be Someone Else's Life by Katie Dale, or Glimmer by Phoebe Kitanidis and more. There are quite a few interesting novels coming out this year. At least by the synopsis' that I have read.
6. Reading Goals for this 2012?
My goals for my blog this year is to post 50 posts, read 25 books (I am starting college & I am a slow reader) and to read 10,000 pages. I'm pretty sure that I can do it. I'm determined.
7. and now a detailed description of your blog :)
An Adult & YA book blog, I read & then review the book, I participate in (monthly) weekly meme's, and write and talk about all things bookish. I plan to do giveaway's in the future but after I get more established as a blogger. I started my blog the end of this past year when I accidentally came across a book blog. Wow! Was I missing out, I wish I had started a blog years ago, and so here I am! Now blogging and sharing my love of books with people all over the place. As I said, I'm new and I plan to keep on reading and keep on reviewing so be sure to check out my links. Don't be shy just say hi! ;] I don't bite.
I can be found here-
Blog: http://thebookbunny.wordpress.com/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BookBunnyRev...
GoodReads: http://www.goodreads.com/thebookbunny
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/The_BookBunny
Thanks for being part of Blogger Lift :D!